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Thursday, 23 August 2012

Top 10 Leadership Qualities

Although it is famously said that leaders are born, not made, the fact of the matter is that leadership, like all other qualities is also something that can be developed into an individual. Likewise, there are certain qualities and traits that are common to individuals commonly perceived as leaders, Although it is easiest if an individual has those qualities naturally, there is no doubt that they can also be developed and nurtured in a person.

Having A Purpose

All leaders know exactly what they want and have a clear sense of vision of how to get there. Only if you can clearly and exactly know what you envision for the future, and have an exact sense of your goals and purposes can you actually chart a way of getting there.

Decision Making

A good leader is not afraid of taking decisions, even though he knows that the actions of others, and their success and failure will lie on him. Taking the initiative to make a decision is what allows leaders to step forward, take action and work towards the goals.

Not Afraid To Take A Risk

All good leaders know that their every action will not be a success; however they do not allow this to hold them back from taking action or making a decision. If you make a decision, there is a chance you will fail, but if you don’t, there is a guarantee that you will. As a result, taking no risks is the sure way to getting no gains, and no real leader should be afraid of taking a risk.

The Power To Motivate

A good leader is nothing without a strong team, and it is a fact that a strong leader is well aware of. Therefore, to be able to get the right course of action, leaders need to know how to motivate their team and taskforce towards working on that goal, and thereby succeed.

Working In Teams

Again, a good leader is nothing without a strong team to take support and help from. There is a subtle difference between a strong leader and a dictator, and in the long run only the former can be truly successful.

Strong Sense Of Self-Knowledge

To have a strong understanding of one’s capabilities and limitations is another important feature for all leaders to possess. Only when one truly understands their weaknesses can they use their strengths to work past them.

Honesty And Character

All good leaders must be prepared to be accountable for their actions. A leader has strong followers only if they truly trust and respect him, and that arises out of complete honesty and integrity only.

Constant Learning

Like all successful people, leaders know that they have as much to learn as they have to teach. One can learn from the simplest of men and that is not a fact that should be taken lightly.

Good Communication

Explaining your ideas to your followers is an important quality in a leader, as is being able to effectively convince others of your aims and visions. Hence, it can be said that communication is one of the key aspects to good leadership.


And finally, all leaders should know the importance of helping others. Whether just to help them reach their common aims, or help them develop their own, it is important that leaders always be willing to help others.

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