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Monday, 25 February 2013

The Cloud, Day 1 - 30 Days With the Cloud

Courtesy – Tony Bradley, PCWorld

30 Days With the Cloud: Day 1

I'm back. I didn't take the month of October off from writing altogether, but I did take a break from the "30 Days" series. Now it's November and I am ready to embark on another 30-day journey. This time, I am going to spend the 30 days in the cloud.
I love my Windows 7 PC, and I'm attached to having software locally installed. I like knowing that my software is right here where I need it, and that I am not dependent on a reliable Internet connection just to access my own information or get anything done. I don't like the fact that a server outage somewhere on the other side I know that way of computing is quickly becoming outdated, though.

I also realize there are many potential benefits to using cloud-based products. As much as I appreciate having my software and data stored locally, there is an advantage to having access to my tools and data from virtually anywhere as long as I have a Web-enabled device and an Internet connection. If my PC crashes, or gets dropped in a pool or something, all I need to do is buy or borrow another PC and I'll be in business as if nothing happened.
As much as is possible, I will rely on Web-based tools. I can use the cloud for productivity software like word processing and spreadsheets, keeping track of my finances, scheduling and tracking my calendar and time, storing my data--including my music library, or just using a cloud-based music service in lieu of my library. There isn't much I can't do from the cloud these days.
Part of the journey will be devoted to trying out different tools and services of a given type and choosing the one I prefer. Then, the rest of the 30 days will be devoted to just using the cloud services I choose, and chronicling my experience--what works and what doesn't, as well as tips, tricks, pitfalls, and shortcuts.
Some of the cloud-based options are obvious, like Google Docs and Office 365, or Gmail and Hotmail. If you have any Web-based tools and services you use, or just suggestions for tools you are aware of and might like to know more about, send me your ideas. I can't promise I will get to them all, but I appreciate any input you can provide to help me find some of the more obscure "diamond in the rough" options.
So, let's get started on the 30 Days With the Cloud journey. Below is the 30 Day Cloud articles.

The Cloud, Day 1: 30 Days With the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 2: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 3: Choosing an Online Productivity Suite
The Cloud, Day 4: Checking Out Google Docs
The Cloud, Day 5: Taking a Look at Zoho Docs
The Cloud, Day 6: Working With Microsoft Office Web Apps
The Cloud, Day 7: Email in the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 8: A Different Approach to Email
The Cloud, Day 9: Hey! Where'd My Cloud Go?
The Cloud, Day 10: Storing Data in the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 11: Music In the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 12: A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words
The Cloud, Day 13: Storing and Managing Pictures in the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 14: Don't Trust All Your Eggs to One Basket
The Cloud, Day 15: Dollars and Cents in the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 16: Stuck in Upload Hell
The Cloud, Day 17: Cloud Entertainment Comes with Strings Attached
The Cloud, Day 18: Riding the Cloud from My iPad
The Cloud, Day 19: IT Department Included
The Cloud, Day 20: What About Security?
The Cloud, Day 21: My Data Might Be Safer in the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 22: In and Out of the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 23: Wherever You Go, There It Is
The Cloud, Day 24: Backing Up Your Cloud
The Cloud, Day 25: The Cloud Is Becoming Mandatory
The Cloud, Day 26: Too Much Cloud Can Be a Bad Thing
The Cloud, Day 27: All the Rest of the Cloud
The Cloud, Day 28: My Five Biggest Cloud Complaints
The Cloud, Day 29: Five Things I Like Most About the Cloud.
The Cloud, Day 30: Forecast--Increasingly Cloudy

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