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/Training Enhancers Team

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Firebox IT Training Offering New Java Server Faces (JSF) and Java Persistence API Training Courses

Firebox recently announced the addition of two new IT courses. Rapidly advancing programming languages like Java Server Faces (JSF) and Java Persistence API continue to provide additional challenges and new applications for existing programing languages and are the latest additions to their offferings.

According to Firebox Training, two of the more popular emerging technologies for their course demands include JSF and Java Persistence API training courses. Firebox recently announced the addition of the new courses in response to direct feedback from clients and site visitor course requests. Rapidly advancing programming technology continues to provide additional challenges and new applications for existing languages.

The IT training course offering expansion is part of an overall evolution at Firebox aimed at satisfying IT demand ahead of the curve or “on-demand” and developing custom course ware based on practical use and real world examples. The new course offerings also open up the class to a wider variety of students and can fit tight training budgets.

The 2-day Java Server Faces training course ranges from $1295 to as little as $695 per day, depending on the number of students enrolled from a single organization. The 3-Day Java Persistence course ranges from $1,495 to as little as $795, depending on the number of students enrolling from a single organization.

Firebox may also add the course to its public course offerings in the future. All courses are technically open to the public, though typically clients request courses for company IT staff. Public courses allow for individuals to register for the same courses in an instructor led environment, live or online depending on number of students.

“We are constantly adding new courses to meet the demands of our clients” says Shawn Johnson, Director of Sales at Firebox Training. “We take action and find or create the right course to meet our clients’ needs” The core of Firebox has also included their popular custom course ware “We have already delivered these courses more than ten times since we added them. Johnson added. “We have also done customized Java training, both online and onsite.”

High-end expert instructors with real world experience deliver the instructor-led online classes. In keeping with Firebox Training’s commitment to flexibility the new course structure is designed to fit in with the busy IT workers’ schedule. Ideal for companies with IT staff in multiple locations, the courses are offered either as an instructor led online format, or in the traditional on-site settings.

JSF or Java Server Faces is a request driven framework used in creating user interfaces for web applications using components. The ability for JSF to handle multiple language input is one aspect that has led to its rapid expansion and practical use. Java Persistence or API is used for managing relational data. Many of the features of the third-party persistence frameworks were incorporated into the Java Persistence API which has made it a useful skill to learn.

Firebox IT Training was founded in 2007 in Golden, Colorado. Since that time they have delivered training for well known organizations including, General Dynamics, Bank of America, Comcast, Arbor Networks, US Courts, Time Warner, Vertafore, NREL, US Navy, US Army and HP, just to name a few. Instructors travel to client locations across the globe. Most recently Firebox completed training in Alaska, Sydney, Singapore, London, New York, Austin, Seattle and Denver.

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